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Why Plan?

Secure Your Legacy: Why You Need a Comprehensive Estate Plan


Estate planning might sound daunting, but in reality, it's a thoughtful and necessary step to ensure your loved ones are cared for and your assets are distributed according to your wishes. As an estate planning attorney, I understand the complexities of this process, the possible pit falls that occur when considering various tax implications and am here to guide you through it. Let’s work together to create your estate plan and safeguard your legacy:


1. Last Will & Testament: Your Foundation

  • Importance: Your will allows you to specify asset distribution and name guardians for your children and pets.

  • I will help you to craft a clear, legally sound will, tailored to your unique needs and wishes.


2. Revocable Living Trust: Avoiding Probate Hassles

  • Importance: A trust streamlines asset distribution, bypassing probate, saving time and costs.

  • Setting up a trust, ensures your assets smoothly transition to your heirs.


3. Beneficiary Designations: Direct Asset Transfers

  • Importance: Non-probate assets like 401(k)s and life insurance plans pass directly to beneficiaries.

  • Updating beneficiary designations, preventing complications in asset transfers.


4. Advance Healthcare Directive (AHCD)/Living Will: Medical Care Preferences

  • Importance: AHCD outlines medical preferences, designating a healthcare agent for decision-making.

  • Drafting a comprehensive AHCD, ensuring your healthcare choices are honored.


5. Financial Power of Attorney (POA): Managing Finances

  • Importance: POA allows someone to handle your finances if you're unable to, ensuring bills are paid, and assets managed.

  • A robust POA, ensures your financial matters are in trustworthy hands.



6. Insurance Policies & Financial Information: Centralized Records

  • Importance: Organized records facilitate a seamless transition, preventing oversight of valuable assets.

  • I will help to compile and organize all policies and financial data, ensuring nothing is missed.


7. Proof of Identity Documents: Executor Assistance

  • Importance: Centralized identity documents ease administrative processes for your executor or trustee.

  • Assembling these documents, ensuring your executor has necessary information.


8. Titles & Property Deeds: Avoiding Legal Disputes

  • Importance: Proper titles and deeds ensure assets go to intended beneficiaries, bypassing probate.

  • Transferring assets to your trust, prevent legal challenges to property ownership.


9. Digital Account Logins & Passwords: Managing Digital Legacy

  • Importance: Digital assets are numerous; managing them ensures a smooth transition of online accounts.

  • Designate a digital executor and manage your digital presence, preserving your online legacy.


10. Funeral Instructions & Wishes: Personalizing Your Farewell

  • Importance: Clearly outlined funeral wishes provide comfort to your family, honoring your memory.

  • Documenting your final wishes, ensures your legacy lives on as you envision.


Your estate plan is not just a collection of legal documents; it's a legacy you leave for your loved ones. By working together, you're not only ensuring the legality of your plan but also the peace of mind for your family. Let's create a robust, personalized estate plan together, safeguarding your legacy for generations to come.


Contact me today to start securing your future.

"You either take control of your life or it takes control of you. It’s that simple."

What is the Process

First, let sit down and talk about your planning goals. Next we will work together to identify your asset, title them correctly and  draft a plan that meets your needs during your life and accomplishes your goals upon passing.


To get started click the link below to set up a consultation. We can have a phone call, a Zoom meeting or an in person in your own home. 


I look forward to working with you to create the plan that meets your expectations. 

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